les roues de quiz sont des jeu ouverts et évolutifs, intégrant le français, l’anglais et autres matières. Nous constatons qu’il y a un grand besoin d’outils comme ceux-là, qui permettraient aux écoles de rejoindre le plus de jeunes en même temps. On peut aussi les utiliser dans un camp de jour, aux services de garde, etc.
The Big Quiz Wheel is a great idea to occupy, educate, and amuse young people, by young people, and for the teacher it allows you to breathe for a moment. To see the big wheels spin and participate in the game is to embrace them. A set of big wheels with documented questions allows youngsters to make animations on their own with minimal supervision. Young people will easily learn in a playful context that is natural to them, a lot of things about endangered animals, healthy lifestyles, recycling and 4Rs, water, air, their safety, and cultural diversity. Learning then becomes dynamic, fun and educational.
The joy and good humor specific to the playful context make it easier to integrate learning relating to the protection of the environment, healthy lifestyles, the safety of young people, eco-citizenship, etc.
The fact that in a playful context error is allowed and that there is always an element of chance, means that verbal expression then becomes easier and less constraining, thus resulting in better participation compared to the conventional learning context.
The relaxed and friendly atmosphere makes you feel less threatened to answer a question.
THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OF A SCHOOL should involve everyone: teachers, support staff and especially young people. Their involvement will be effective if they are informed and made aware of major environmental issues such as waste and recycling, reduction at source, water and air pollution or energy saving. Our big games will allow you to do this while playing and having fun because it is only in a relaxed and fun context that we convey important messages, learn and then take action with joy and good humor. Thus, using our games, large-format quiz wheels and well-researched questions, you can set up a group of young people (green committee or green brigade) who would raise awareness among other young people in your school or in the community as an inclusive activity. We have developed different ways to play in large groups so that the teacher or the young people will be completely comfortable making animations with these tools. They will be very involved and will make every effort with a little supervision from the teacher.
You can view some videos of our products at the following address on VIDEOS OF OUR GAMES ON Youtube
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS SUBJECT PLEASE CONSULT “Events and workshops” in the “PRODUCTS & SERVICES” section of this site.