We now have a new format of themed quiz wheels (medium format)

with questions in various categories.

Les roues thématiques sont les suivantes : saines habitudes de vie, sécurité des jeunes, diversité culturelle, environnement, 3RV et le recyclage, biodiversité, forêt, et une roue de la chance pour toutes sortes d’occasions.

Ces jeux collectifs, format moyen, sont offerts en français, certains sont aussi en anglais et ils sont produits au Canada. Les questions ont été validées par Santé Canada, Biodôme de Montréal, Environnement Canada et Union Mondiale pour la nature (UICN), UNICEF, Recyc-Québec, Sureté du Québec, Université de Sherbrooke et plusieurs autres partenaires.

These new quiz wheels are beautiful, they are big enough for a table, very colorful and are a spectacle in themselves. They are very easy to transport and to assemble and will make the success of all animation, awareness-raising and educational activities (to be used during neighborhood parties, in youth centers, by green brigades, health habits committees, kiosks, libraries, daycare services or day camps, in class, and more).

The wheels are reversible, therefore versatile, and can be used on a wide variety of subjects. They can even be used at family and birthday parties.

Each set is supplied with the tripod, the operating mechanism (central cores) and a large bag to transport it and several other accessories. The questions are well explained and can be adapted to a multitude of clienteles.

Team quizzes allow for interactive and fun activities while raising awareness and educating young people and encouraging them to develop the following skills: reflection and debate on environmental issues, various knowledge, especially at the level of the 4Rs, in environment and health, alertness, oral expression, vocabulary, reading, memory, audacity and courage to express oneself in front of others, participation and affirmation, common sense, etc.

reflection and debate on environmental issues, various knowledge, especially at the level of the 4Rs, in environment and health, alertness, oral expression, vocabulary, reading, memory, audacity and courage to express oneself in front of others, participation and affirmation, common sense, etc.

For more information about each thematic wheel, please refer to the “Quiz Wheels” or “Animations & Workshops” section in the “PRODUCTS & SERVICES” section.


A large wheel of chance attracts and gathers several people to play the quiz game at the same time. When a group of people gathers around a wheel to answer the questions, we can then either divide the group in two, or have everyone participate at the same time, or even assign numbers to the players and proceed by taking turns. Indeed, these ways have been developed to stimulate reflection, the exchange of ideas and information and finally the discussion between the players before giving an answer to a question. The fact of creating an island of people around a tool like the big quiz wheel attracts other people who are perhaps less interested in the activity, by stimulating their curiosity and increasing group synergy which then has a positive impact on the participation of everyone.

General public activities during INTERNATIONAL DAYS decreed by the UN, neighborhood parties.

En effet ces jeux grand format, sont très utiles lors des journées internationales sur l’environnement, les 3RV ou les saines habitudes de vie.

Une activité grand public lors d’une fête de quartier/village, le Jour de la Terre ou la semaine canadienne de l’environnement par exemple, permet de sensibiliser beaucoup de personnes à la fois tout en s’amusant. Elles se prêtent également dans les animations devant un supermarché, une caisse populaire ou lors d’une fête nationale, d’une levée de fonds, dans une résidence pour personnes âgée ou handicapées. Des moments de détente et de plaisir dans un contexte ludique sont en général des ingrédients d’une combinaison gagnante et très efficace pour s’amuser, sensibiliser et éduquer le plus de monde à la fois.

How to play?

Before playing, explain to young people the different categories present on the quiz wheels. In this way, they will immediately have an idea of ​​the questions that will be asked of them. Also explain why this division was adopted. For example, the categories and classifications of questions have been chosen by type of objects which have certain common characteristics and which generally correspond to different recycling channels.

How do I play the basic game in large groups?

Le joueur doit tourner la roue ou la flèche, qui va s’arrêter à un moment donné sur un symbole correspondant à une catégorie de questions soit au niveau du recyclage soit au niveau de l’environnement en général. Il y en a entre 22 et 25 thématiques dans les deux jeux de quiz. Chaque bonne réponse à une question donne 5 ou 10 points dépendant de la difficulté. Le joueur ou l’équipe qui a remporté le plus de points gagne la partie. À la fin, on peut lire les explications qui sont fournies pour chaque réponse à une question donnée. Les jeunes auront ainsi plus de chance d’apprendre et de réfléchir sur différents aspects de l’environnement.

Here are some other ways to play:

Here are some other ways to play: Play with a large group of more than 20 people: Divide the group into two large teams. They must ask each other questions. We also suggest that you take inspiration from the rules of the small ENVIRO-QUIZ game (Game in a box). You can also do raffle games, mimes and interactive games.

Jeux de quiz relatifs à l’environnement et au recyclage, réalisés en fonctions des journées internationales décrétées par les Nations Unis.

Use the RECYCLING and ENVIRO-QUIZ games in small teams, in the workshop, in cooperation.

Use the RECYCLING and ENVIRO-QUIZ games in small teams, in the workshop, in cooperation.


With the big quiz wheels, you can play in large groups (up to 100 people) on special days such as: Earth Day, Environment Day or Week or other special days decreed by the United Nations. During activities and neighborhood parties organized by the city.


in a library, in an eco-district, in a daycare center, in a class, in a gymnasium, in a basement of a church, in an institution or university, in a place equipped for scouts, NGOs, in a shopping mall.


in a holiday camp, at a neighborhood party, in a workshop, in a class, at the daycare.


in a holiday camp, at a neighborhood party, in a workshop, in a class, at the daycare.