


1. USE OF LARGE WHEELS IN SCHOOLS: quiz wheels are open and evolving games, integrating French, English and other subjects. We see that there is a great need for tools like these, which would allow schools to reach the greatest number of young people at the same time. They can also be used in a day camp, daycare services, etc. Various activities can be viewed at: VIDEOS OF ACTIVITIES WITH OUR GAMES on Youtube


The Big Quiz Wheel is a great idea to occupy, educate, and amuse young people, by young people, and for the teacher it allows you to breathe for a moment. To see the big wheels spin and participate in the game is to embrace them. A set of big wheels with documented questions allows youngsters to make animations on their own with minimal supervision. Young people will easily learn in a playful context that is natural to them, a lot of things about endangered animals, healthy lifestyles, recycling and 4Rs, water, air, their safety, and cultural diversity. Learning then becomes dynamic, fun and educational.


BENEFITS OF AWARENESS AND EDUCATION IN A PLAYFUL CONTEXT The joy and good humor specific to the playful context make it easier to integrate learning relating to the protection of the environment, healthy lifestyles, the safety of young people, eco-citizenship, etc

The fact that in a playful context error is allowed and that there is always an element of chance, means that verbal expression then becomes easier and less constraining, thus resulting in better participation compared to the conventional learning context.

L’ambiance relaxe et conviviale fait en sorte qu’on se sent moins menacé pour donner une réponse à une question.


THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OF A SCHOOL should involve everyone: teachers, support staff and especially young people. Their involvement will be effective if they are informed and made aware of major environmental issues such as waste and recycling, reduction at source, water and air pollution or energy saving. Our big games will allow you to do this while playing and having fun because it is only in a relaxed and fun context that we convey important messages, learn and then take action with joy and good humor. Thus, using our games, large-format quiz wheels and well-researched questions, you can set up a group of young people (green committee or green brigade) who would raise awareness among other young people in your school or in the community as an inclusive activity. We have developed different ways to play in large groups so that the teacher or the young people will be completely comfortable making animations with these tools. They will be very involved and will make every effort with a little supervision from the teacher. You can view some videos of our products at the following address on VIDEOS OF OUR GAMES ON Youtube



PROJECT 1: PLANTS. Grow plants in CRYSTAL SOIL. The hidden world of roots: fascinating and captivating experiments!

It is a question of setting up a balanced, healthy and viable living environment necessary for the survival and optimal development of the plants chosen for the study. 

Discovery of some plants, their seeds and their roots: Scarlet Runner (climbing bean) and sunflower.

Scarlet runner: a spectacular plant, which germinates relatively quickly, grows quickly, flowers all season and gives succulent beans. How it works? Grow the crystals in a transparent beaker containing water.

Then crush a few grown crystals with a fork and return them to the surface in the transparent beaker. Place some of your seeds on the crystal soil and wait a few days

Take a good look at the changes that will occur in the seeds. In a day or two the cuticle will split, and you will see the tip of the root. Scientists call it the radicle. Watch it grow downwards. It will become the main root and will divide to form secondary roots.

Detailed instructions are included with the kit in the pouch.


Une fois l’expérience réalisée, on peut transplanter les jeunes plants dans le sol et les observer grandir à l’extérieur.


CRYSTAL SOIL with SEEDS can be purchased in our PRODUCTS & SERVICES (Science) section. A pouch contains crystals (for at least 2 experiments), sunflower seeds, and climbing beans. You need to get a transparent cup about 10cm high and not very wide. Note that we also have kits for a whole class (24 students). For more information on this project, please contact us.

PROJECT 2: TRIOPS (prehistoric creatures). Hatch the Triops, observe their growth and record the data collected. To draw conclusions.

The table of observations of the life cycle of Triops: hatching, food and care, followed by growth, behaviors, variation of factors, reproduction and death.

TRIOPS in a classroom is easy and fascinating. The incredible TRIOPS date back to the time of the dinosaurs. In general, a set contains triops eggs, an aquarium, nutrients, food, a magnifying glass and a ruler, a thermometer. Triops eggs are in a state of hibernation and can remain in this form for years. They hatch within 24 hours and grow very quickly. A science set from TRIOPS is a powerful educational tool to foster the development of science skills: making observations, hypothesizing, using critical thinking, etc. The experience with the triops is unique, exciting, and living. You and your students will never forget!


PROJECT 2-2: Establish a balanced, healthy, and viable living environment, necessary for the survival and optimal development of Triops. For more information, contact us.

PROJECT 3: DINOSAUR DELIGHT. The DELICE DES DINOSAURS plant is a unique wonder and has existed on Earth for more than 290 million years. It has the ability to "come back to life" again and again for hundreds of years. The Dinosaur Delight plant appeared on earth some time before the dinosaurs and has survived through the ages until today.


Place this little dry ball in water, and within hours it turns into a beautiful green plant! Take it out of the water and let it dry, it will again become the ball of dry straw you started with.

This fantastic plant can stay in hibernation for fifty years, and will wake up every time it is given water.


This complete kit includes everything needed to care for this dinosaur age survivor: the plant, its support, and instructions. For more information, please contact us.


A fascinating experience for young people. Suggestion:

Make groups of 2 or 4 students. Give 4 jumping peas per team. The project consists of several stages:

1- Explore different hypotheses: the jumping bean is an animal; the jumping bean is a fruit; the jumping bean is a vegetable; the jumping bean is … The jumping bean jumps because it has a lot of energy; the jumping bean jumps because it is inhabited by a strange creature that likes to exercise; the bean jumps because it reacts to certain conditions; under what conditions does it move or jump the most?

2- Experiment and draw conclusions.

3- Measure and weigh the jumping beans. Make a chart of characteristics and behaviors of jumping beans.

4- Take care of your jumping beans until they hatch. 5- Release the moth into the wild once out of its shell.

6- Make a written file: results of your research and discoveries, drawings, photos. Present it on the student's school website. For more information, please contact us.


  2. 1. Put 1/8 teaspoon of Space Snow in two ounces of water. Mix continuously for 20 to 30 seconds. What is going on? 2. Put ¼ teaspoon of Super Snow into the Smart Tube. Add a little food coloring to four ounces of water. Add this water to the container with the Super Snow. You will see the colored water moving through the snow until it is evenly distributed. This movement of water that tends to balance is called osmosis. How long does it take to accomplish?
  3. 3. Is the osmosis time shorter in hot or cold water? Repeat the experiment above with hot and cold water. When water is hot, the constituents of water (molecules) move faster. Since they move faster, they embed themselves into the pores of the Super Snow grains more quickly. This is why Super Snow absorbs hot water faster than cold water.
  4. 4. How much water can Super Snow absorb? Place ¼ teaspoon of Super Snow in a bowl. Add 8 ounces of water to the Smart Tube test tube. Slowly add the water to the bowl while stirring. Stop occasionally to make sure all the water has been absorbed. How much water can be added before the snow can absorb no more.
  5. 5. The law of conservation of matter is fundamental in science. It states that mass cannot be created or lost. In principle, even if the volume of Super Snow increases, the mass of Super Snow should be the same as the mass of dry snow and the mass of water added together. Check the mass of ¼ teaspoon of Super Snow and that of 4 ounces of water. Make the mixture by mixing well and weigh again. The resulting mass should be equivalent to the mass of the ingredients (remember to subtract the mass of the containers!)
  6. 6. Water absorbed by Super Snow, like all water, evaporates. Measure the evaporation rate (the rate at which water escapes from Super Snow) under varying conditions: in an open container, closed, exposed to heat, in containers with different surface areas open to the air.



  1. 1. Put a teaspoon of Mars Sand into the water and then scoop it out. Did it get wet?
  2. 2. Put a teaspoon of Mars Sand in water with a little soap. What happens to the sand?
  3. 3. Put a teaspoon of Mars Sand in vegetable oil. Did it get wet?
  4. 4. Put the three colors of Mars Sand in the water. What is going on? Do they get wet? Do the colors mix?
  5. 5. Put water in a cup. Gently sprinkle Mars Sand over the surface to create a “raft” of floating sand. Place drops of water one by one on the sand. What happens to the water? What happens when you put too much water on the sand “raft”?
  6. 6. Add a few drops of vegetable oil to a glass of water. What does the oil do? Sprinkle Mars Sand over the oil drops. What happens to the oil? How does this property of Mars Sand serve during oil spills at sea?
  7. 7. Weigh a quantity of Mars Sand with an accurate scale. Wet it, then filter it with a coffee filter to separate the sand from the water. How does the weight of Mars Sand that came into contact with water, compare to the weight of sand before getting wet? What conclusion can we draw from this?
  8. 8. What happens to the sand when you add soap, oil or alcohol to the water?



  1. 1. Cover the STAR BEADS with a thin layer of sunscreens of different SPF. Place them in sunlight. What influence do different SPFs have on the colors of STAR BEADS?
  2. 2. Put the Star Beads under water and expose them to sunlight. Do they change color?
  3. 3. Place the Star Beads behind different sunglasses. Do the Pearls react in different ways with different glasses?

     Other activity ideas:

  • • When outdoors, make a necklace with your Star Beads in an arrangement that pleases you. The layout you make will only be visible in daylight.
  • • Arrange the Star Beads so that they form a secret message that will only be visible in daylight.



  1. 1. Put ¼ teaspoon of Saturn Crystals in four ounces of water and wait four hours. What is going on?
  2. 2. Try water at different temperatures. Hot water will speed up the process. When it is hot, each of the water molecules vibrates faster. This vibration allows them to enter the pores of the Saturn Gems faster.
  3. 3. How big can they grow? Immerse a few Saturn Crystals in a tall glass of water and wait about four hours. How big did they get? How do they look?
  4. 4. Place a fully inflated Saturn Crystal on a paper towel. The paper will absorb its water. How long does the Gem of Saturn take to lose all its water and regain the appearance of a grain of sand?
  5. 5. Experiment with the different colors before and after adding the water. Which method gives the most interesting results? Which method allows the best control over the results? Try mixing topaz and sapphire. What color do you anticipate will result? Try to predict the color of the mixture of sapphire and ruby.
  6. 6. Place 1/8 teaspoon of Saturn Crystals in a tall glass of water. As they absorb the water, mix so that the Saturn Crystals move in the water. Stop stirring and watch how the Saturn Gems gather in the center as they slow down. Then observe how they will disperse at the bottom so that there is the same distance between them.


For the purchase and description of these products, please consult the “PRODUCTS & SERVICES” section on our website


FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONSULT "Events and workshops" in the "PRODUCTS & SERVICES" section of this site.

You can also contact us for more information or to obtain an educational or technical guide on science-related products and large quiz wheels.