General information
Intelli-Kid has developed a total of 8 thematic QUIZ WHEELS and more than 1300 QUESTIONS on various subjects such as the environment (including water, air, fauna and flora, waste, energy and soil), healthy lifestyles, animal biodiversity, the 4Rs, the safety of young people and cultural diversity, the forests and finally the wheel of chance. The set of 3 or 6 (+1 metal) wheels can have any combination of these 8 wheels. Young people will easily learn, in a playful context that is natural to them, about these subjects that concern them directly. It is a dynamic, attractive and fun educational tool, ideal for classrooms, daycares and even day camps! These wheels are versatile and can be used for quizzes on other subjects like math, language, geography or science.
Taken as a whole, these great games make it possible to educate young people in eco-citizenship in a global way. They are offered in English or French and therefore can also be very useful in teaching English or French as a second language. Plus, they're made in Canada.
Depuis plus d’un an, elles sont utilisées par des centaines de municipalités, écoles et ONG environnementales. Ainsi, plus de 100 000 personnes ont pu être éduquées à l’environnement et à la santé.
These wheels are very versatile as they can be turned around. Thus, you can add additional questions and make your own quizzes either on the same themes or on other subjects, such as maths, science or geography. They can even be developed by the students. Communication and learning then become very interactive and fun and you will more easily achieve your education or awareness goals.This game-based approach is very effective with students who are less interested, turbulent or who have certain socialization, behavioral or learning problems.
– Elles attirent les gens et créent un lieu de rassemblement.
– Elles permettent des animations avec grands groupes. Elles créent facilement une dynamique et une synergie de groupe.
– Elles permettent de sensibiliser ou d’éduquer beaucoup de personnes à la fois dans un contexte ludique propice à l’apprentissage et aux échanges dans la bonne humeur.
– Elles permettent de faire des activités très intéressantes et rassembleuses lors des journées comme le Jour de la Terre par exemple, le mois de la biodiversité (mois de juin) mois de la santé (mars) mais aussi pendant toute l’année lors des activités spéciales : fête de la famille, fête de quartier, etc.
– Elles donnent la possibilité aux écoles et aux services de garde, de faire leur part dans l’éducation à l’environnement des jeunes, et ceci dans la joie et la bonne humeur, permettant encore mieux de faire passer les messages importants et de faire réfléchir les participants aux divers problèmes qui concernent tout le monde.
The joy and good humor specific to the playful context make it easier to integrate learning relating to the protection of the environment, healthy lifestyles, the safety of young people, eco-citizenship, etc. The fact that, in a playful context, error is allowed and that there is always an element of chance, mean that verbal expression becomes easier and less constraining, thus resulting in better participation compared to the conventional learning context.
The relaxed and friendly atmosphere makes you feel less threatened to answer a question.