Recognitions and awards
- The Canadian Teachers Federation (CTF) approves our games relating to the environment, biodiversity and health: ENVIRO-QUIZ, ANIMOTRAX AND ENVIRO-SANTE.
- The New Brunswick Department of Education approves the ENVIRO-QUIZ and ANIMOTRAX games as a support for its School Curriculum. Consult the RECOMMENDATIONS section on our site, to view the letter of approval and acceptance by the ministry.
- PRIZES: We are pleased to announce that our last two games ENVIRO-QUIZ and TRIOPS have obtained very good ratings during the evaluation by the Canadian Toy Testing Council and Protégez-vous. In fact, ENVIRO-QUIZ and TRIOPS obtained the maximum of 3 stars from the Canadian Toy Testing Council and 5 points from Protégez-vous. Their positive comments in these two journals show that the evaluating families greatly appreciated them.
- PRIZE: Our other game LA MÉMOIRE DU BUFFON also obtained the maximum rating of 3 stars from the Canadian Toy Testing Council and 5 points from Protégez-vous.
- NEW GAME ON THE MARKET: ENVIRO-QUIZ, a game of 420 questions and answers on the environment (threats and solutions) and endangered species. ENVIRO-QUIZ is designed and produced by INTELLI-KID, and world-renowned or provincial organizations have been involved either in validating its content or in its production: the IUCN-World Conservation Union, the Biodôme of Montreal, the 4-H Clubs, an Eco-district.
- The METEOMEDIA television station used the ENVIRO-QUIZ game to publish the information capsules broadcast every day on the METEOMEDIA program.
- METEOMEDIA also launched a live contest from December 14 to 22, based on questions taken from the ENVIRO-QUIZ game.