Marguerite-Bourgeoys School Board 02

The Marguerite-Bourgeoys School Board recognizes the usefulness of our environmental games Enviro-Quiz and Animotrax in the school environment.
Marguerite Bourgeoys School Board
Education Center
Pedagogical Resources
8700 Champlain Blvd.
LaSalle QC H8P 3H7
Madame Véronique Janiak
9320 Andre-Grasset
Montreal QC H2M 2B5
Dear Mrs. Janiak,
I have become aware of the games Enviro-Quiz and Animotrax, and in both cases the enthusiasm of the students is the same. They are interested in the animals and in the environment.
The humorous context in which the ideas of solutions for protecting our planet are introduced, makes children aware of the problem of the environment. The games offer different variants which are easy for children to follow and they take pleasure in finding new solutions time after time. They are also very concerned by the threatened animals.
I am convinced that frequent use of these games in class will permit children to develop a number of strategies relating to scientific method, and to realize that their actions have consequences for the environment.
Yours sincerely
Nathalie Grégoire
Pedagogical Advisor in Science and Technology.